Haemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum. haemorrhoids may be internal or external, inside the anal canal or under the skin around your anus, respectively. Depending on the size of the haemorrhoids, they are divided into different types: Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 and Grade 4. Internal haemorrhoids usually aren’t painful unless they prolapse (that is, become pushed out of the anus), which causes a sharp, burning pain
Radiofrequency Treatment of Haemorrhoids
Radiofrequency treatment of haemorrhoids is a minimally invasive
procedure which reduces the size or eliminates the swollen tissue. It
is done under the influence of anaesthesia and can be done in
combination with sclerotherapy, if necessary. Radiofrequency energy
treatment is a proven, safe and effective treatment for haemorrhoids.
No cutting, no stapling, no sutures. This versatile and easy to use
device can be used in an office setting or at home. The procedure is
non-invasive and causes minimal post-procedure discomfort or recovery
time. Standard post operative case is required.